I offer the following three courses during 2022/2023 term.
Software Engineering Research
After completing the course, the student will able to:* describe the current research areas in software engineering and the most important software engineering research methods,* describe academic research and publishing in software engineering,* critically analyse scientific articles from the viewpoint of the content and research methods used in the article,* present academic research, * actively participate in an academic discussion of research papers and research results.
Software for Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelligence
After completing the course, the students will be able to:* reflect and critically assess the role of AI in software intensive systems,* reflect and discuss issues related to design of software intensive systems using AI, as well as* develop a project using the methods and theory learned throughout the course.
Advanced Software Quality and Security
After completing the course, the student will be able to:* understand and utilize,* some software testing and security techniques, and understand their benefits and limitations, as well as* apply software testing and security techniques in small scale projects.