Short Bio

Burak Turhan (PhD, Boğaziçi University) is a Professor at the University of Oulu (Finland). He has published over 130 articles in international journals and conferences, received several best paper awards, secured external funding from state and industry for multiple large-scale projects amounting to ~EUR 6.5 Million, chaired and organised several conferences (EASE'23, ESEM’17, PROFES’17, PROMISE’13), and served on over 60 program committees. He has been serving (or served) as Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) and Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Senior Associate Editor for the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), editorial board member of the Empirical Software Engineering Journal (EMSE), Information and Software Technology Journal (IST), Software Quality Journal (SQJ), and review board member for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE). He is a senior member of the ACM and IEEE, and a member of ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE Computer Society.

Research Interests

My research lies at the intersection of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. By studying the everyday challenges of software practitioners - both technical and human factors - I aim to develop an evidence-based understanding of the process of software development through fundamental research and to reflect this empirically validated understanding to practice through novel solutions by means of applied research and technology transfer. In my research, I aim at improving:

  • The reliability and quality of software systems
  • The productivity of development teams
  • The effectiveness of development/ management practices.

I develop novel concepts, predictive models, methods, tools and approaches to assist software professionals in critical decision-making, resource allocation and process improvement while facilitating and supporting the adoption of promising software development and management practices based on empirical evaluation. Due to the pervasive nature of software, the application areas of my research have been covering a wide spectrum, including healthcare, cybersecurity, telecommunications, embedded and safety/mission-critical systems. Accordingly, my research is relevant to many areas and industries outside academia and has significantly impacted practical application.

Academic Positions

  • 2021-PresentFull Professor

    Faculty of Info. Tech. and Electrical Eng.
    University of Oulu, Finland

  • 2018-2020Associate Professor

    Faculty of Information Technology
    Monash University, Australia

  • 2017-2018Senior Lecturer

    Dept. of Computer Science
    Brunel University London, UK

  • 2014-2018Full Professor

    Faculty of Info. Tech. and Electrical Eng.
    University of Oulu, Finland

  • 2009-2014Postdoctoral Research Fellow

    Dept. of Information Processing Science
    University of Oulu, Finland

  • 2009-2009Research Associate

    Institute for Information Technology
    National Research Council, Canada

  • 2002-2008Research and Teaching Assistant

    Department of Computer Engineering
    Bogazici University, Turkey